ABout Us♦
Why You Can Trust Me ♦
What Qualifies Me?
For the past 4 years, I’ve been supporting high school students with effective strategies drawn from my training as a learning coach. I’ve also conducted interviews with 49 top graduates (with an average grade better than 1.5), studied educational literature, and incorporated the best practices from other top programs. My methods have proven results, helping students achieve first-class Abitur results.
Am I Too Young?
Yes, I’m 22 years old, and I don’t have a doctorate or international recognition as an education expert. But my age allows me to relate to today’s students and their challenges in a way many experts can’t. I’ve been through the same experiences recently, and I understand the real-world problems students face. I’ve combined this practical understanding with my training to help students excel with strategies that work in today’s high-pressure academic environment.
Contact Me
📞 Phone: +49 152 37333038
📧 Email: support@learnhow2learn.de
Meet Paul Mumm-Malbranc♦
High School Students | 4-Month Online Coaching | Your Dream Abitur Learning Coach & Founder of LearnHow2Learn®
“Hey, I’m Paul :-)”
At 22 years old, I’m from Hamburg, and I’ve dedicated myself to helping high school and middle school students achieve their dream grades—without stress. I graduated in 2020 and have been supporting ambitious students ever since.
My Path to Mentoring
Like many students, I had high expectations for my A-levels. But despite studying for long hours, my grades didn’t match my goals. It wasn’t until I trained as a learning coach that I discovered how to work smart, not hard. This approach transformed my performance—I achieved my dream grades while keeping my free time intact. Now, I help others achieve the same!
How LearnHow2Learn Was Born
When I started high school 6 years ago, I was determined that “all doors should be open to me after I graduate.” In Germany, your Abitur grades shape your future, so I knew I needed top grades. However, despite intense study sessions and high stress, I still didn’t achieve the results I wanted—until my learning coach training changed everything. Now, I teach others the skills they won’t learn in school, helping them reach their full potential without stress or burnout.
Achieve Top Grades
Personal Coaching Support
Transform Your Learning
Achieve Top Grades ♦ ♦ Personal Coaching Support ♦ ♦ Transform Your Learning
Top Grades Fast
Extremely intensive support with an unbeatable price-performance ratio and exclusive, personalized coaching for rapid improvement.
Why LearnHow2Learn®?
Dream Grades
Rapid and strong improvement through intensive support.
Unmatched Value
An exceptional balance between price and your future success.
Exclusive Support
An exceptional balance between price and your future success.
Curious About What’s Next♦
OK, I admit it: This is how I get my participants and customers.
To be honest: I benefit from this intensive coaching just like you. In most cases, people want to be informed about ABI mentoring after the mini-coaching and many start the program immediately because they are convinced by the content, methods and structure of the mentoring program. If that is the case for you: great!
Of course, not everyone starts the program straight away. But even in this case, I win. I ask participants who are not convinced after the mini-coaching for feedback. I am constantly working on improving LearnHow2Learn's offerings, so feedback is extremely valuable to me. So it's a win-win situation for everyone.
Genaue Zahlen sind ziemlich schwierig zu nennen, da die Bepreisung etwas ziemlich Individuelles ist (je nach Umfang). So viel sei gesagt: Bei dem Preis für das gesamte ABI-Mentoring über 4 Monate mit 12 Mentoring-Calls (1:1) je 60 Minuten, Zugang zum Videokurs und sämtlichen Kursunterlagen handelt es sich um eine mittlere dreistellige Summe.
Well, the first step for me is always the "mini coaching" where we get to know each other and after the conversation we can all judge whether we are a good fit. And above all, you can get an impression of what the ABI mentoring feels like and whether it really helps you.
The first step is to book a mini coaching session. This is easy to do via the website. We will then discuss everything else in person.
ABI mentoring by LearnHow2Learn is a partnership between me (Paul) and ambitious young adults who want to achieve top grades in their A-levels safely and stress-free. Similar to a management consultant, I advise and support my participants in all aspects relevant to success in high school and the A-levels. My approach is a combination of personal development and learning coaching.
Learning coaching is individual support for learning processes that aims to impart methods, competencies and skills to encourage independent learning. In contrast to tutoring, learning coaching is not just about imparting knowledge, but also about imparting strategies that enable you to learn more effectively and independently in the long term. By focusing on the individual needs and abilities of the learner, more effective learning results can be achieved in the long term, which not only improve grades in the short term, but are also beneficial in the long term. Learning coaching can therefore help to make tutoring unnecessary and enable the learner to continue to learn successfully in the future.
No, absolutely not. Anyone looking for a magic formula that will help them get an A-level without any effort is completely wrong here. The most important prerequisite for A-level mentoring to really produce results is the fundamental desire to improve and the willingness to work on yourself. We live from the success of our mentoring participants and if a participant is not willing to cooperate with us, cooperation makes no sense for either side.
Otherwise, mentoring helps both current high school students and future high school students.
However, we also had trainees and middle school students with us.
Yep. At 22, I'm pretty young. I also don't have a doctorate in education yet, and I'm not an internationally recognized brain/learning researcher. I just did very well at school from the 10th grade onwards and was then offered the opportunity to do a learning coaching course. After the training, I worked with many students and made dramatic improvements in school for many of them.
It hasn't been long since I graduated from high school, which is why I am close to my participants and perhaps even know and understand the problems, challenges and demands placed on high school students better than the doctor of education who certainly knows more books by heart than I do, but hasn't experienced the perspective of a student for a long time. Practice and theory are two different things.
The ABI mentoring consists of 12 mentoring calls (60 minutes each), the focus of which is the communication, implementation and application of the content of the mentoring. In order to guarantee the successful implementation of the content, the weekly mentoring conversations are supplemented by (regular and, if desired, even daily) contact on WhatsApp in order to offer short-term support in the implementation and to motivate my participants. In order to save valuable time, effort and money in the pure communication of the content, the basics of the mentoring content are conveniently taught via video course (4 modules, each with approx. 4 videos). In order to make the application and implementation of the methods and techniques as easy as possible, the ABI mentoring is accompanied by a bundle of templates, templates and checklists. In order to strengthen motivation and inspiration during the mentoring, there are LearnHow2Learn WhatsApp groups in which current and former participants exchange ideas and support each other. At the start of the mentoring, we invite our participants to the groups, in which they are then welcome forever. The structure of the ABI mentoring is primarily aimed at making the implementation of content as simple and feasible as possible, rather than discussing the content in great detail theoretically. This is the secret behind the success of my participants.
Above all, ABI mentoring and learning coaching are significantly more sustainable than traditional tutoring. In contrast to traditional tutoring, learning coaching aims to teach participants how to achieve top performance independently.
Traditional tutoring only works until the next exam, as it is not about methods, techniques and skills, but rather focuses on the pure content. This is valuable until the exam is written.
The ability to learn quickly and effectively will still be important after the next exam and that is exactly why learning coaching/ABI mentoring is better and more sustainable than traditional tutoring.
Das ABI-Mentoring kann dir nur unter einer Voraussetzung dabei helfen, stressfrei dein Traumabi zu erreichen: Du musst bereit sein, Energie aufzubringen. Ganz ehrlich: Es gibt keine Geheimformel, wie du es schaffst, mühelos sofort bessere Noten zu schreiben. Genau ebendarum nehme ich mir im ABI-Mentoring auch eine ausreichende Zeit von 4 Monaten, um meine Teilnehmer zu begleiten. Es gehört immer dazu, an sich selbst zu arbeiten. Klar, durch das ABI-Mentoring hast du die Sicherheit, dass sich die Mühe auch wirklich lohnt, was nicht bedeutet, dass es nicht trotzdem anstrengt ist - das sollte jedem klar sein.

What are you waiting for?
Take your future into your own hands now and let us work together to ensure that your time in high school is a success story!